*Sunday, March 27, 2005*

hMm...soRt of stuDyinG foR eCons teSt...but goT kinDa bORed...n stArtEd tHinkINg...

dUN u tinK the cloSer u are(in terms of proximity) to the person, the further u may beComE?
uh HuH...i tInk its that wAy......

y||ng picked a waterdrop @ 21:42

*Tuesday, March 22, 2005*

lalala...im bored...yup yup...haha...we the nutties hv an official blog..n its a blog for us to tok nonsense!!hahaha...so for those who wanna be entertained..u may read it!but...whether u'll understand wad we sae is a different matter!!hehehehe...
anw...i tink its almost over le...e 2mths is up anw!hehe..so ya...n i gt so many qing di-s...lazy to 'fight' with them...they can fight over him for all i care...hahaha....so nutties...if i change target....dun blame me!!haha...but who lehx.....still on the search...hahaha....
everybOdy shLd staY happY n happy n happY!!no matter wad hAPpenS....muz leARn to sTAy hAPpy n smiLe aLwaz!!

y||ng picked a waterdrop @ 00:50

*Thursday, March 17, 2005*

this was taken during CO!haha Posted by Hello

y||ng picked a waterdrop @ 23:53

waH... Posted by Hello

y||ng picked a waterdrop @ 23:52

cOOl! Posted by Hello

y||ng picked a waterdrop @ 23:50

argh...created a post but it din cum ouT!oh wells...anw....i was saying..germaine's complaining tt i haven been blogging consistently...so here i am!well...anw tink ive gt a bunch of mad but fun-loving frens!!hahaa....they can cum out with ideas lyk...woW!n its so damn furnie...we've kinda find partners for each n everyone of us liao..wahaha!!n we've finally cum out with our family tree n a book tt belongs to uS!!!haha...the book's gona contain all our crap we've come out with wheneva we r bored during lessons...it'll be a fantastic bk tts gonna bring loads of fun n joy!!hehehe

anw...e bez ting tt happened tdy was my trip down to JP!hehe...it was great!i gotta eat a gd meal!at swensens!!yuMMy n dEliciOus!!we oso went on a huge shopping spREe!haha..fine...mayb its ning,yaya n angelini who were actually on a huge shopping spree...i was trying beri hard to resist the temptation!!was deciding whether to get this white skirt nt...but decided nehx...hehe...n i tink pure milk's skirts quite pretty!!duno if i shld get them nt..wahahaha...shall c hw!!im a broke gal!hahaha...temptations temptations temptations!!wahaha

y||ng picked a waterdrop @ 23:38

argh...created a post but it din cum ouT!oh wells...anw....i was saying..germaine's complaining tt i haven been blogging consistently...so here i am!well...anw tink ive gt a bunch of mad but fun-loving frens!!hahaa....they can cum out with ideas lyk...woW!n its so damn furnie...we've kinda find partners for each n everyone of us liao..wahaha!!n we've finally cum out with our family tree n a book tt belongs to uS!!!haha...the book's gona contain all our crap we've come out with wheneva we r bored during lessons...it'll be a fantastic bk tts gonna bring loads of fun n joy!!hehehe

anw...e bez ting tt happened tdy was my trip down to JP!hehe...it was great!i gotta eat a gd meal!at swensens!!yuMMy n dEliciOus!!we oso went on a huge shopping spREe!haha..fine...mayb its ning,yaya n angelini who were actually on a huge shopping spree...i was trying beri hard to resist the temptation!!was deciding whether to get this white skirt nt...but decided nehx...hehe...n i tink pure milk's skirts quite pretty!!duno if i shld get them nt..wahahaha...shall c hw!!im a broke gal!hahaha...temptations temptations temptations!!wahaha
shall post some fotos we took during our shopping spree tdy!hehe

y||ng picked a waterdrop @ 23:38

*Monday, March 14, 2005*

hMm....the past few daes was quite hectic i supposed...too many things have happened...some are good some are bad...i wonder if these things happened for a reason....was it meant to teach me things about life?or let me learn frm it?
oh wells....anw i wanna tanK all my frens who've shoWn me suppoRt throughouT thiS peRioD..i noE somE of u r eager for things to happen...but i dunO if it will....hehehe...wadEVa e case is...thX aloT!hehe i can admit...i dun hv e courage to carry on...nOr do i nOe hOw shld i sTArt it ofF!!hehe...

y||ng picked a waterdrop @ 00:29

*Monday, March 07, 2005*

i lyk the vdae piC...its so nice..hahaha...n yen i miss ya too!!been so long since i met u!!hoPE to cAtch up wiTH u asap kk?!=D
on sat..while eating at crystal jade with yk,cy n gc....i saw ben lim!hahaha...been a long while since i saw him...cldnt recognise him at 1st..tot he looked lyk shijie..hahaha...guess he was kinda shock to c me too..i was too shock to ask anything abt him...hahaha..oh wells...hope he's enjoying his life!
haha....yk was nice to send all of us home..yeah!!i luV being driven ard(decided nt to use the word chauffeur)..hehehe...so nice so nice....okie...i've to admit tt yk's driving skills hv improved...but its nt perfect yet!hahaha...although i dun mind sitting his car la...haha...n guiding him to my place was damn furnie...hahahaaha...oh wells....thx for the ride gaY!hahaha
oh wells...all this while im gng mad over someone!!sigh...tink my darz noes the bez who im referring to...but wells...he's so gd looking...haha..u cant blame me...hehehee....im mad....my darz saes i zou hou ru mo le...ooPs...hahahaha
k..its kinda late nw...n im stil at darz place..........
ynG sIgNs oUt!*pOOf*

y||ng picked a waterdrop @ 02:08

*Tuesday, March 01, 2005*

bEEn wAnTing To pUT thIs uP fOr a LONG time...vDae 2005!! Posted by Hello

y||ng picked a waterdrop @ 04:07

nTUCO cELLo! Posted by Hello

y||ng picked a waterdrop @ 04:04

NTUCO concert on sAt was grEat!!was surprised tt i enjoyed it so much...haha...had fun playing cards...n er...running ard n watch others perform...gt to be exposed to nice pieces on cello thx to xiao didi n zhiqiang...n most imptly...my 1st time on stage playing the cello!!yup...its nt an ez task plus i din prac alot...but tts nt e pt...e pt is tt i tink i played nt badly!!sure sure...i did fumble here n there n stuff...but its nt bad!!haha...n bcos of this experience...its making me reconsider staying in CO nex yr again..dun mind playing cello again!!it was great...erhu was totally different bcos its more of melody part...cello's more of accompaniment...hehehe...cant wait for qing gong yan!!hehehe...n i lyk e cello pic we tOOk!!=DD
so sad...end of CO concert..no more xiao didi..no more tt daji guy...no more alot of ppl...sian...hahhaa..oh wells...we'll c...mayb wil hv new eyecandies!wahhahahaha...okie okie...im maD!im stil super HIgh aFt the concert..but its really a bLast!!thx to grace n jingyi n em n ying n yeok theng who came to support mE!!hahaha....n grAce!remember to cum n b my jR oncE aGAin!hahaha hMm...was looking through frenster...n i found quite abit of old frens...frens who i knew frm CO last time...be it PAYCO,or jux the CO circle itself...wow...ive really forgotten all abt them in my attempt to break away frm CO!!but nw im back and leArnt frm eXperiences...i realise i miss everything abt co...frm e practising...to the knowing of ppl..SYFs..learning new n challenging songs etc...woW...found a few frens in frenster...added some...wonder if they stil remember me!!=D feel lyk e past was so greAt and fun....i miss the past..nt exactly looking fWd to the fUtuRe...
tDy saw IT guy...biAng....he's so bLack!!wonDer wad he did during the holidaes man!at 1st was wondering was it e lighting problem or i c wrongly...but its nt!!hMm..seems lyk more n more ppl r noeing...uh oH!haha...during e break between accting tut n econs tut...chialing came to tell me he was upstairs with a gal...diao...hahahaa..im mad...but this is a greAt wAy of seLf entertainment n to entertain my frens!!they r stil finding ways for me to go tok to him....germaine has suggested throwing a pen over to where he will be sitting in claz..shixian suggest tt i go over with her to tok to him abt her GE stuff...germaine oso suggest tt shld invite him to play badminton with us...dIao!!hahaha...but their suggestions r rather furnie..wahaha!so interesting!i wonder wads more to cum!!but its already wk8!sigh...tink nth's gonna happen..
aNd oNCe aGain..e mUggInG sEaSoN is here!!!this sem pass so fast!!!sIgh...

y||ng picked a waterdrop @ 02:11

*About Me*

Name: gniiy
not the happy-go-lucky girl i used to be. conflicted. low self-esteem.
still hiding in that shell of mine nonetheless.


taggg me!!leave me ur bloglink!=)


*kah ming=)
*chiAn ee aka Almond =)
*yen =)
*sining aka darling=)
*yikai aka gay!=)
*angeline =)
*qingying =)
*esther + huimin =)
*liping2 =)
*ghee chuan=)
*ah nua darling=)
* kiat=)
* sibing=)
*kev teh=)
*chih yeong=)
*photos with clique=)
*02s36 @ bbq=)


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