y||ng picked a waterdrop @ 21:46 muahaha..cam-whoring in the toilet!=) (me,lp,joyce!) muahahahaa...anw den listened to bossy's advice n headed to this wine place called...Friends...hahaa...its like classy..n 3 klutz headed there n made a joke out of ourselves..we din noe which wine to order...til i suggested dessert wine cos i remembered tt its sweet...and the nice waitress recommended to us drinks!!wahaha..at 1st we each ordered a glass of dessert wine each..its called Caseo La Eote Moscato...we decided tt its so nice...we ordered a BOTTLe!muahaha!!n yes joyce!i checked it out on old so frenly wikipedia!!dessert wine goes best with desserts...but best if its drunk on its own!!wahaha!! lp suggested that we try this thing on the menu called 'Assorted cheese platter'...n so we ordeered it!deh!no like the taste of such cheese!perhaps juz not class yet to really noe how to appreciate this type of cheese sia...still prefer mozarella n stuff...seriously..hope there's MUCH betta testing cheese in europe(yearning for it!joyce saes there is!!)..we din finish the cheese in the end..its too eeks!!haha...
had an enjoyable week sofar since i gt back home from hall!!
1. passed BTT!(Muahaha...finally!!FTT's on 5thjuly..wish me luck!!)
2. went out with ntu ppl..haha...they were buying stuff for their tw trip (i noe they wont forget me!they're supposed to hv a pic of me in all their wallets!muahaha!!) hv a safe trip ppl...enjoy urselves!i'll miss all of u!!=)look at the pic!!so many things!!on the left..the BOTTLe!den 2 glasses of water,the plate of assorted cheese, and our 3 glasses of wine..WAhaha
me: ' i guess so..pose for the cam!!i can blog all this..its HILARIOUS!'
y||ng picked a waterdrop @ 23:23
y||ng picked a waterdrop @ 16:57 look at the food and the sauces!!scary!!13.33333333 pieces of nuggets on average for each of us!freaky! hehees..we were supposed to be studying de la..but ended up eating..haha..but worth everything..its so fun..gonna miss the daes in hall...all the suppers..the late nights...the late walks/jogs/talk cocks...the bball games etc...everything abt hall life!!wow!!i think i'll go ard taking pics of my hall soon..wahaha...take hall13 and 15...WAHAHA!!
had my final paper in ntu ydae evening...french exam....happy but yet sad..the idea tt it has really really come to an end...its really saddening you noe...no more hall life..no more studying..no more slacking..boo...with great age...comes with great responsibility (sounds familiar to u?!haha)...kinda sad...perhaps tts y my mood changed drastically ydae...(or perhaps im juz a self centred asshole..yup)..i guess only some of you will understand wad im going thru right now...so anyway...guess the durians did kinda made me happier..haha..=P
i wanna go take pics ard the sch!the halls i stayed in...the tut rooms/LT/SRs i hang ard...the places i alwaz walk and talk cock at...everything!!wow...din noe this has such a hugeee impact on me..alamaks...isit only uni life tt makes u feel like this..or wad?!*faints*
well...was watching cars juz now..n they had this 2 country songs tt made me think alot...especialy since its raining...makes ppl feel nostalgic n stuff siaa...
remembering the 1st yr when i entered uni..there was this excitement there...hall life..away from home..freedom!!and den the excitement died down...and all the sad things start flooding in..perhaps the transition was too much to take...sometimes the loneliness kills...it became normal to suddenly end up crying cos of things you've tot abt..or perhaps its the stress of the exams...loads of possibilities..but things happened for a reason...i believe so...
we're alwaz at crossroads in our life...deciding wad path to take...which way to go...once its decided...we enter into a whole new world/town/or wadsoeva u'll call it...the adjustments we've to make...the new things we've to get accustomed to..everything takes time to learn and time to grow...all the 酸甜苦辣 that we've gone thru...it teaches us many things and make us learn and grow...of cos there might be some regrets..but we can treat it as lessons learnt!we learn to see things in new perspectives...the ppl we meet at each time allow u to learn from them...many things happen at each phase!when its time to leave tt phase...you'll feel sad..because somehow u're leaving your 'comfort zone' and going into another phase...where this same cycle happens..u learn new things you meet new ppl...but the difference in each phase...are the lessons you learn, and the ppl you meet..everything in life is so important...i muz learn to treasure every phase..every fren..everything!and of cos..as I enter into the nex phase...i've to learn that no matter how much i want to continue to remain in my comfort zone..ive to get out of it...if not i'll never move on..never progress..n become some old obsolete product of this society..this environment..i guess this is how God wants us to live our lives...the reason for us to live...to move on and experience and learn new things..rather than hang on to the past and live in the past..life is short and we've got to learn to treasure it and make full use of it!!
speaking of which..to alll my lovely frens out there: I Love You!and You!and you and you and you!! =P
its time to go around telling each one of them how much i love them and how much they all mean to me!!all of you rock!*hugz*
(and in case you're wondering...i really prefer polygamy to monogamy u noe...wide array of choices..HIAkss!!)
well...this are the lyrics of the 2 songs from Cars..hee!!(i din get the titles tho..hees!)
Song no.1
Long ago but not so very long ago
The world was different
Oh yes it was
We settled down and we build a town n made it there
And u watched it grow
It was your town
Time goes by
Time brings stages
And you changed too
Nothing comes which u can handle
So on u go
But never see it coming
When the
On your town
Nothing you can do
Main street aint a main street anymore
No one to sees a need to see us
Like they need b4
Its hard to find a reason left to stay
But its our town
We love it anyway
Come what may
Its our town
Song no. 2
When u find yourself
In some far off place
And it causes you
To rethink some things
You start to sense
Its slowly all becoming someone else
And then you find urself
When you make new friends
In a brand new town
And you start to think
About settling down
The things that would have been lost on you
Are now clear as a bell
And you find yourself
And that’s when you find yourself
When you go thru life
So sure of where u’re heading
And you wind up lost
And it’s the best thing that could happen
Cos something when u lose your way
Its really just as well
Because you find urself
Yea that’s when you find yourself
When you meet the one
That you’ve been waiting for
And she’s everything
That you wan and more
You look at her and you finally start to live for someone else
And then you find yourself
Yea that’s when you find yourself
Sometimes when you lose your way
Its really just as well
Because you find yourself
Yea that’s when you find yourself
me and haoyi with our strawberry sundaes!he made me call macs again to call for 1 more sundae!bAHH!!
zipai-ing in progress...yen sae i act cute?where gt!im naturally cute!
the 2 gluttons!!WAHAHA!!(i dun consider myself one...im shu nv!hee!!)
y||ng picked a waterdrop @ 11:45
y||ng picked a waterdrop @ 12:51
y||ng picked a waterdrop @ 08:47
y||ng picked a waterdrop @ 10:05
y||ng picked a waterdrop @ 20:48
y||ng picked a waterdrop @ 09:40
y||ng picked a waterdrop @ 09:04
y||ng picked a waterdrop @ 00:41
y||ng picked a waterdrop @ 18:30
y||ng picked a waterdrop @ 10:21
y||ng picked a waterdrop @ 23:29
y||ng picked a waterdrop @ 17:48 'My Bossy and I'-newest episode! guest appearance: Haoyi Neo
y||ng picked a waterdrop @ 12:36
y||ng picked a waterdrop @ 03:15
y||ng picked a waterdrop @ 19:10
well...finally feeling awake after sleeping for practically the whole of ydae...i think i slept like wad...19hrs?non-continuous of cos...the times which i woke up were for entertainment and food..seriously..im a pig!!!
well...perhaps this is an escapism from reality..dun ask me why...i duno...sometimes its good to be away from reality for a long period of time (well....19hrs quite long la...)...no worries at all...sleep sleep sleep...live in ur own world ur own way...whatever you wanna think about...its all up to u!;P
i love to sleep...n darnn...the sleep bugs are attacking agains!shit!resist!!go away sleep bugs!!not now!!i needa study!!hees!!
homecooked green curry rox!!yummm x100!!thx mummy!!weeee!!!:)
was taking the train back to sch early in the morn..when i suddenly tot...wow..its really coming to an end...undergrad life i mean...i still vaguely remember the younger daes...haha!!
year1: wow!decided to come to NTU instead of SMU (for those who dunch noe..it was some carelessness that led to my choice of NTU in the end..but well..i dun regret it..okok..maybe sometimes a lil!wahaha!!)..well..came for medical checkup..passed by heritage centre 1st..loudly exclaimed...'NTU is a cheena sch mehz?' response i gt was..'yea..'...totally shocked!!i was like...oh no..how to survive?!wahaha...
den..it was time to 'book into' hall..got hall13 n stayed with lia..attended hall camp..enjoyed getting to noe nice hall mates...like yiwei,esther,yurong,huiling ,sujian,jiajun etc etc...cool siaa!!
den it came 1st dae of sch..all the frens i knew were in grp B!!i seemed to be the only one in grpA!!totally sux!!=( den went for 1st tutorial..n i remember the 1st person i really talk to was hong may..we were like..ehh..go where ahz??wahahaha...so furnie laa...as the daes go by..i got to noe the rest of them too...germaine,weikhim,cihui,wenru,ruoyun,shixian etc etc..yupp..starting to noe my coursemates well!!n that's where all the crankiness began i guess..was kinda struggling and adjusting to uni life..grades not fantastic..endless projects and freaky presentations...
well..hall life den was exciting too...joined 2 subcoms...joined choir..played some IBG...sold some cookies at bazaar..exciting!!
1st yr was the yr tt i joined so many stuff...inline hockey,fencing,soccer etc...n den i ended up staying at NTUCO..haha..cos ning,angeline,wenyi and sheya were all in there!!went to try out cello..love the instru but practices were sianzz..so yuppz...but well..hung on n performed for annual concert..wahahaa!!
not forgetting my jc frens...the guys were still in army back den..so we cld only hv weekly weekend outings..hahaz..n my sec sch clique..meeting up once in awhile!!=)
year 2: continued staying in hall tho lia din...ended up with waiyin as my new roomie!!nice roomie i've had..=) was less or rather..not active in hall life since den..haha...and spend LOADS more time at NTUCO...switched back to erhu..became bowed string sectional leader..became ticketing officer together with my evadearest sheya,not forgetting the full house turnout we hadd...and went to beijing with ntuco!!wahaha...got to noe nellers and associates ppl...members now include...sining,angeline,wenyi,sheya,yuhui,haoyi,haoyang,zhiyi,chunyen,chunchi, kaiyu,jingjin,yuqin..haha..wonderful bunch of mad ppl..made my life in ntuco n ntu much more interesting..the jb trips...talk cock sessions..the ktv sessions..the shopping...the supper sessions..the practices we had together...woo!!wonderfull!!
stuff happened at home..but im glad things are ok now..=)
studies wise...subjects got tougher..projects got tougher..it was a norm to have endless presentations (presentations...more more!we want more!!HAHA)..late and long hrs of project meetings..going for many lessons together with the cranky bunch...ohh..still remember gt 1 sem its juz me n germs xiang yi wei ming..wahaha..it was rather hilarious!!
n den came PA...where i worked at some small audit firm with cihui n weikhim(so lucky to be able to work in the same company!!)..had loads of fun working together..n muz thank both of them for helping me out during this period!!glad that i had them to work with..n for once!!i totally understood wads the purpose of learning wad i did for the past 2 years..4 sems...everything made sense!!i noe y i nid to balance balance sheets...how each part of the financial statement affects each other n stuff...auditing b4 i was even taught how to do..not forgetting our TGIF sessions n stuff...n getting to noe keith n chang loong too!
year3:it was the year which many of us turned 21!!went to quite a few 21st bdae parties..and i had one too!!hees!!loads of fun!!!!
somehow...i became germ's angel!!(im sweet n cute n lovely tts y!!wahaha!!)..haoyang became my bossy...n i became SWMOFF..n haoyi became MOMF,n yuhui became MCMF..loads of weird things..wahaha!!
hall...moved to 15 instead where ning n angeline were..den can hv more fun together!!!ntuco...decided to juz be a member there...so yupp...was part of the percussion performance for the annual concert...1st time ever!!had LOADs of fun indeed..wahaha!!n germs,cihui,hong may n weikhim came to watch me!i think its their 1st CO concert eva!!wahaha!!hf,angela,sweet,cy,yk n zhihao came too!!=)
studies..1st sem was horrendous..had a very hard time getting passed those subjects...n well..i guess i was lucky to be able to get pass them..many things happened..happy and unhappy stuff..but well..its over...
im soo glad tt i gotta noe my ntu clique ppl even more..n we tokked alot about other stuff too..=)thx for being there for me!!weeeeee!!
well..tts all i can really remember for now...well..thx to each and everyone of u out there who has made my life in ntu( and outside) fun n interesting and unforgettable!!i love all of u!!!!!well..now that i'll b officially starting work in september...hope that from now till den..ive gt time to meet up with all of u often and may our frenship last forever!!=))
was thinking wad i shld do after exams n till i start work..so lemme come up with a small list!!
1.find a job at a cafe
2. enjoy my europe trip to the max!!
3. hang out with all my frens as much as possible
4. hang out at alliance francais' library to learn n read french stuff!!
5. learn diving and driving (hopefully)
6. go on a trip with nellers
7.go to bangkok with hong may n cihui? (hopefully gt $$)
8. stay at home n revamp my whole wardrobe n room n everything!!
9.go ard taking pics in my convo gown (esp. the bungee thingy!!)
10. watch all the shows,movies etc i wanna watch
11. shop till i drop (wahaha)
12. go on an exercise regime(hopefully i succeed this time!!n shun bian train for marathon in 2007!haha)
13. (this shall be kept empty until i can think of something..cant think for now)
14. go ECP with germs n with whoever who wanna go there with me!!i wanna go blade!!i miss my blades!!its been hibernating for months!!
15. bake bake bake!!
16. go clubbing/pubbing!
17. bless germs (she ask me to put this!)
yupp..hopefully i can do something abt all the above soon..weee!!=)
wishing everyone a great life ahead..enjoy wad u'll b doing..live life to the fullest..do wad u think u shld do...best wishes!!*hugs*
I cannot speak my mind bcos i dun wan it to be true..things will only b complicated...hopefully it'll be over soon...ive been thru such situations before...i bliff i can get thru it againss...i dun wann any wrong move by me to spoil wadeva there is..made a mistake b4...dun wan it to happen again..as time goes by...hopefully it will fade away...a few months down the road...its hello society...hopefully things will b different..things will change....
somehow..i juz cant be true to my own feelings
well...so tmr's the last core paper for my final exams in my undergrad years...so exciting...btw...its not that i wanted to hv only 1 core paper for this sem...it was NBS's schedule...n all i do is merely follow it...n i worked hard the past 2.5 yrs to get to this stage...every semester grpA ppl hv more modules in a semester...n they enjoy putting the xiong modules together for us...no sem was slack..no sem was ez...yeaa...u've heard...'accounting is so slack!!only 4 modules...can hv 3 dae wk..exams open bk...no FYP..blah blah blah..' uh huh..but if u realise...we spend most of the rest of the time buried in stacks n staacks of notes and readings...n countless projects...countless of presentations...we're immune to presentations already...so yeaa...i DESERVE to get such a slack semester ok...if u dun like our style...complain to nbs..dont complain to me...lemme enjoy the time n slackness i deserve...try seeing things from my viewpoint man...n lemme tell u this..u chose ur own path...walk it in ur own way...comparisons wont help...hur hur
okies...sounds self-centered...but its wad i think..perhaps i dun understand wad u all are experiencing...but this is my life..yup..enjoy urs...
Ever felt like an insignificant person? -i do
Ever felt like ur presence is nothing to anyone? -i do
Ever felt like u're better off alone so that you wont have to bother people about ur stuff nor be bothered by other people?-i do
Ever felt that small stupid things c an affect you tremendously?- i do
Ever felt jealous and turned crazy over small stupid shit?- i do
Ever felt unappreciated?-i do
procrastinate...perhaps something i do best..better off alone..
well...at least God's there for me..for nights that i lie in bed and sob to sleep...for nights that i've been happy and smiling in my dreams...praise the Lord.
wahaha..here's a publicity website for my fren as well!!!!!
pls help to vote for S11, Tan Hiang Kiat at http://bizadclub.nus.edu.sg/stardust07/Main.html
vote vote vote!!vote for the next superstar!!your help is greatly appreciated!!=)
kinda had the last french classs today...it was fun...nicolas has alwaz made it fun and interesting...all the jokes he crack..expressions he made..he's a tcher tt i truly respect...the insights he gif..the way he can make each class so interesting and fun..its the only lesson tt i truly look fwd to each week...its the only homework tt i do..i enjoy it...its nice to noe and truly understand a lang..the beauty behind a lang...kinda understand how come he can teach french in sg for soooo long...haha...his lifetime experiences are truly intriguing too...it makes u wanna find out more and tour more countries...haha...n the way he tries to noe languages as well...wow!!felt abit sad when the class ended...i tink im gona miss him...WAHAHAHA!!
how i wish i can continue learning french!!but too bad last sem...hopefully nex time ive gt the chance too...i only noe the basics...i wanna noe more more more!!its exciting...
glad tt im blessed with the chance to go europe this hols to noe more abt france (well..at least 2 places for starters)..n attempt to use the french lang!hahaa...its gonna be quite a feat...but interesting..looking forward to it!!
countdown to europe: 1mth...=D
crazy mood swings these daes...my mood's like on a viking ship...with many HIGHHSSS and lowssss....its weirds..muz admit lows are more of cos..but well...bzd...i tink swimming helps...i love swimming..it calms me...=)...gona spend as much time as i can at the pool...=)
thanks to those ard me tho..=D
miss watching soccer late at nite at home...=(
man u's up 3-0 for now tho...happy!:D
hahaha...having a SUPERRR crap sms convo with bossy!!!
ME: Bosssy!!!!haoyi saes he's ur bitch!!
boss: wah lan!this is damn er.....i cant imagine what you all are doing...
haoyi using my fone: call me daddy you bitch.roar!spank!slap?say my name say my name!bitch!roar! (he's copying american pie..WAHAHA!)
bossy:wah lan....this is erxin..haha...you all enjoy ur SM games...hahaha
me:haoyi's ur bitch!!control and rear him!!like a pokemon!
bossy: this is damn er...hahah
me: haha..i tink neopets betta..u noe y...cos he's my maid...den u're my boss..so hierachly..he say his ur bitch..HAHA
boss: haha...i shall call him bitch from now on..haha
me: ya u shld!you're freaking scandalous la...gt yh and gt hy..basically u gt yitui with the guys who hv initials hy or yh...Hs and Ys!
boss: this is cool..yh hy..hahhahahahahahahhahaa
me: haha...freaking gay..u can form a club..the HY club..motto: for the Hs and the Ys...gays unite!WAHAHAA
boss: this is damn cool...haha
haha...much more happened...but this is enuff...wahaha!!
i think when its the time againss...i get cranky and madd..getting pissed and irritated with everything and anything...everything i do or ppl do can affect me crazily..feel like biting ppl..arghhzz...i cant stop myself frm being so cranky and madd..so dont attempt to stop me..i do wad i wanna do and do it for a reason..at least i am pleased with wadeva i do and i gif myself reasons for doing it..dun rush me into things..dun force me to do wad i dun like..dun try to change me or correct me..dun stop me from doing wad i like..dun come and bother me and i'll be glad enuff...
i love myself for who i am,what i do,i lead my life MY way
of course...please dun be turned off by me and avoid me yeaa...i love u guyss..just..lemme be cranky...
in LOVEE with this songg:
Way back into lOve
I've been living with the shadow overhead
I've been sleeping with a cloud above my bed
I've been lonely for so long
Trapped in the past, I just can't seem to move on
I've been hiding all my hopes and dreams away
Just in case I ever need them again someday
I've been setting a sad time
To clear a little space in the corners of my mind
All I wanna do is find a way back into love
I can't make it through without a way back into love
Oh oh oh
I've been watching but the stars refuse to shine
I've been searching but I just don't see the signs
I know that it's out there
There's gotta be something for my soul somewhere
I've been looking for someone to shed some light
Not somebody just to get me through the night
I could use some direction
And I'm open to your suggestions
All I wanna to do is find a way back into love
I can't make it through without a way back into love
And if I open my heart again
I guess I'm hoping you'll be there for me in the end
There are moments when I don't know if it's real
Or if anybody feels the way I feel
I need inspiration
Not just another negotiation
All I wanna do is find a way back into love
I can't make it through without a way back into love
And if I open my heart to you
I'm hoping you'll show me what to do
And if you help me to start again
You know that I'll be there for you in the end
stupid yuhui n boss ask me to post this....BAHH
'My Bossy and I'
me: absent...calefare(however u spell it): Yuhui
Mao Zedong: XBOX 360! says:
today i went back NTU
Mao Zedong: XBOX 360! says:
saw a new seven 11
Mao Zedong: XBOX 360! says:
and also got one 24hrs shop opened by one accountacy student
Mao Zedong: XBOX 360! says:
sylvez: PlayStation 3! says:
sylvez: PlayStation 3! says:
he working at the cash register?
Mao Zedong: XBOX 360! says:
these faggorts can start business i dun think why cant smart ass like us cannot
sylvez: PlayStation 3! says:
my response: ....................................................
oh my gosh...gt part 2!!
Part 2
Mao Zedong: XBOX 360! says:
i see these asshole setting up business.. kena
Mao Zedong: XBOX 360! says:
damn sian
sylvez: PlayStation 3! says:
sylvez: PlayStation 3! says:
if u gian then its not impossible
sylvez: PlayStation 3! says:
we can
sylvez: PlayStation 3! says:
sell backside online
Mao Zedong: XBOX 360! says:
Mao Zedong: XBOX 360! says:
Mao Zedong: XBOX 360! says:
call wad?
Mao Zedong: XBOX 360! says:
Pigeon Holes???
sylvez: PlayStation 3! says:
Mao Zedong: XBOX 360! says:
sylvez: PlayStation 3! says:
BSOnline - Your one stop shop to ultimate relief
Mao Zedong: XBOX 360! says:
my response: YOU all sell gt anyone wanna buy meh?!haahhahaha
oh my goshh...these are furnie vids man...all must watch it!!im personally in love with the potter puppet pals..they're freaking fuRNIe!!!!!!!!!!!
ive kinda come out with my own version for now..specially created while tokking to bossy..
'haoyang,haoyang....zhuang...haoyang (yuhui!)
haoyang,haoyang..zhuang..haoyang (haoyi!)
and it goes on!!wahahaha....freaking furnie...maybe shld go make a finger puppet show on this too...WAHAHHHAA...
this is the ntu student one..he's freaking bo liao...WAHAHA!!
Mao Zedong: XBOX 360! says:
change ur nick
Mao Zedong: XBOX 360! says:
like mine and yuhui
Mao Zedong: XBOX 360! says:
u put:
yiing: k800i and Panasonic fx 12!
y ! ! n g luvs her k800i and panasonic fx12! says:
y ! ! n g luvs her k800i and panasonic fx12! says:
so song2!
y ! ! n g luvs her k800i and panasonic fx12! says:
y ! ! n g luvs her k800i and panasonic fx12! says:
okies lo
y ! ! n g luvs her k800i and panasonic fx12! says:
Mao Zedong: XBOX 360! says:
Mao Zedong: XBOX 360! says:
must got pattern mah
y ! ! n g: k800i and panasonic fx12! says:
y ! ! n g: k800i and panasonic fx12! says:
see who the heck will even notice it
Mao Zedong: XBOX 360! says:
we all put our lateset gadgets
Mao Zedong: XBOX 360! says:
y ! ! n g: k800i and panasonic fx12! says:
i din even realise yuhui's was copying urs
y ! ! n g: k800i and panasonic fx12! says:
Mao Zedong: XBOX 360! says:
Mao Zedong: XBOX 360! says:
that ass hole
y ! ! n g: k800i and panasonic fx12! says:
den mine's the lousiest lo
y ! ! n g: k800i and panasonic fx12! says:
n somemore.urs is oLDDDDDDDD
Mao Zedong: XBOX 360! says:
y ! ! n g: k800i and panasonic fx12! says:
so long le
y ! ! n g: k800i and panasonic fx12! says:
almost a yr liao
y ! ! n g: k800i and panasonic fx12! says:
where gt latest?
y ! ! n g: k800i and panasonic fx12! says:
Mao Zedong: XBOX 360! says:
Mao Zedong: XBOX 360! says:
nvm lah
Mao Zedong: XBOX 360! says:
or u ask haoyi whether he got notice ornot
y ! ! n g: k800i and panasonic fx12! says:
how to ask?
Mao Zedong: XBOX 360! says:
just ask him got see anything funny ornot
Mao Zedong: XBOX 360! says:
y ! ! n g: k800i and panasonic fx12! says:
'haoyi!u gt see any similarities with me,bossy and yuhui's nick?'
y ! ! n g: k800i and panasonic fx12! says:
y ! ! n g: k800i and panasonic fx12! says:
Mao Zedong: XBOX 360! says:
Mao Zedong: XBOX 360! says:
then ask him to put his fav gadgets in the same way leh
y ! ! n g: k800i and panasonic fx12! says:
y ! ! n g: k800i and panasonic fx12! says:
dunoo whether he's there or nt
Mao Zedong: XBOX 360! says:
Mao Zedong: XBOX 360! says:
sekali he put : G-String!
y ! ! n g: k800i and panasonic fx12! says:
y ! ! n g: k800i and panasonic fx12! says:
im nt surprisedddd lehzzz
y ! ! n g: k800i and panasonic fx12! says:
Mao Zedong: XBOX 360! says:
well..to add on..i realise how nice and sweet my parents are...although sometimes they nag at me etc..but i realise they really care alot...i used to wonder why my bros get driven to sch while ive to take the bus etc..but actually...it seriously doesnt matter at all!!why my mum bother to go for every parent teacher meeting etc...she wanna noe more more and see wad can be done etc...they're alwaz going all out for us..parents are just so great aint they?muz thank my dad for helping me look out and also accompanying me to go see fones at singtel..and aft bugging me for weeks...i finally gt the fone tt ive wanted..and speaking of which...i alwaz get wadeva fone i wanna get(really..since my 1st fone ever i think)..as compared to my bros who always dun exactly get to choose wad they really wann..hmm...and my mum buys nice yummy food for me during the weekends when i get back frm hall and nags at me(well..i noe she meant well)...think after staying in hall..den i realise how much parents really care..and how i used to take them for granted sorta..without them..i doubt i'll eva reach this stage of my life...i wont be who i am..where i am.. living a comfortable life..affording my wants(which is getting scarily brand-conscious..hMMM..)...i shldnt compare with other people like...wahh they can buy this they can buy that..im happy!!i shld learn to understand them much much moree!
my bros too..they're wonderfull...sure we're all bz with wads happening in our own lives..but im glad that we've gt the time to chat and stuff...aft all..we're siblings!!
thank God for blessing me with such wonderful parents and brothers..wonderful family..and allowing me to lead such a blessed life!!im truly contented!(stop being greedy gal!!)
now that its almost time to go out to work...its time to let them lead a comfortable life and not worry about us anymore!(okiess..sure they still gt to worry about my bros etc..but well..at least i made it hopefully)..really hope they will be able to enjoy life moreee...=)
was blog surfing...glad tt kiat made it into the finals eventuallY!!yeaa!!go kiat!!!i'll go support you for the finals!!you're my superstar!!=))
read jieying's blog..hmm...altho we're cousins...i nv knew she was having such a tough time in her family..gt abit sad reading her blog..really hope everything goes well for her!(jiayou gal!!)
weeeeeeeee...i changed my fonee!!i finally gt my dearest loveliest k800i!!!!weeeee!!1st april 2007...me and my darling fonee!!!weeee!!weeeeeeee!!(pics will be up real soon i hopee!!)
this wk totaly rox...my new fone and my new camera...wootzz...can go zi lian-ing ard!!=pp
ydae bossy brought us to esplanade for supper...he dress until SOOO nice(shirt and pants cos he went to attend wedding dinner)...den the rest of us were in shirt and shorts(haoyi'sthe worst!!singlet and shorts!!)haha..super hilarious la...we look super underdressed..especially right beside DXO..hahahahaa!!but it was fun!!thx for the supper bossy!!!!!!!!
oh ya..juz nw at breadtalk..i saw this ’捧捧鸡' and it totally reminds me of my '拿着捧捧跳‘!for those who noes the story behind this...look!!even breadtalk's spreading my 捧捧spirit!!everyonee....捧捧!WAHAHAHHAHA!!
Name: gniiy
not the happy-go-lucky girl i used to be. conflicted. low self-esteem.
still hiding in that shell of mine nonetheless.
taggg me!!leave me ur bloglink!=)
*kah ming=)
*chiAn ee aka Almond =)
*yen =)
*sining aka darling=)
*yikai aka gay!=)
*angeline =)
*qingying =)
*esther + huimin =)
*liping2 =)
*ghee chuan=)
*ah nua darling=)
* kiat=)
* sibing=)
*kev teh=)
*chih yeong=)
*photos with clique=)
*02s36 @ bbq=)
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